Chicago Weapon Possession Lawyer
Do you Qualify for a Firearm Owner’s Identification (FOID)?
Illinois is known for its uncompromising laws regarding firearms and weapons. In order to be eligible for a Firearm Owner’s Identification (FOID), one must meet a comprehensive list of qualifications.
Those who can’t qualify, but are not limited to, are the following:
- Individuals with two or more DUI convictions within the last five years
- Individuals who have been in a court-ordered drug and alcohol treatment program
- Individuals who are subject of arrest warrants, prosecution or under criminal investigation
Yet, even if you possess for a FOID card, gun possession laws can still be violated. Illinois is the only state which currently bans persons from carrying concealed firearms. You are not allowed to be armed in schools, libraries, bars and other types of place which prohibit firearms and weapons.
What are the Penalties for Possession of Firearms and Other Weapons?
The penalty for this offense depends on the type of weapon and factors surrounding the arrest. If you have been charged for possessing a firearm in any situation, it’s imperative to retain legal services from a reliable and experienced Chicago weapon possession defense attorney.
The penalties for possessing a firearm and other weapons include:
- Possession of a switchblade, throwing star, bludgeon, black jack or brass knuckles
- Class A misdemeanor – Maximum jail sentence of one year and a fine of up to $2,500
- Possession with intent to use a dagger, combat knife, billy, dirk, broken bottle or other piece of glass
- Class A misdemeanor – Maximum jail sentence of one year and a fine of up to $2,500
- Possession of a tear gas gun projector or bomb or any other weapon which contains noxious liquid gas or substance
- Class A misdemeanor – Maximum jail sentence of one year and a fine of up to $2,500
- Possession of a firearm in an establishment which sells alcohol
- Class 4 felony – one to three years in prison and a fine of up to $25,000
- Possession of a firearm while hooded, robed or masked
- Class 4 felony – one to three years in prison and a fine of up to $25,000
- Possession of a machine gun
- If not loaded, then it’s a Class 2 felony – three to seven years in prison and a fine of up to $25,000
- If loaded, then it becomes a Class X felony – six to 30 years imprisonment and a $25,000 fine
- Possession of a sawed-off shotgun
- Class 3 felony – two to five years in prison and a fine of up to $25,000
- Possession of a grenade, bomb or other container which holds an explosive substance
- Class 3 felony – two to five years in prison and a fine of up to $25,000
Call (312) 436-0638 for the Defense You Need
Due to all of the gun crimes in the news, the state is extremely tough on firearm offenders. At the Law Office of Steven Fine, our Chicago weapon possession attorney is dedicated to providing you with an aggressive and personalized defense in order to protect your rights and reputation.
Contact us today and schedule a free consultation.